Sunday, July 25, 2010

The History Of Jambi Province

Cultural Diversity - With the end of the period following the death of Jambi sultanate sultan Taha Saifuddin on April 27, 1904 and the success of the Dutch controlled areas of the Sultanate of Jambi, Jambi then set as the Residency and entry into the territory Nederlandsch Indie. Jambi's first Resident OL Helfrich appointed by the Governor General of the Dutch Decree No. 20 dated May 4, 1906 and his inauguration held on July 2, 1906.

Dutch power over Jambi ± 36 years due to take place on March 9, 1942 occurred the transition of power to the Government of Japan. And on August 14, 1945 Japan surrendered to the allies. Dated August 17, 1945 diproklamirkanlah Republic of Indonesia. Proclamation of Sumatra when it became a province of Sumatra Province and Medan as the capital city and MR. Teuku Muhammad Hasan was appointed governor to seize the position.

On 18 April 1946 the National Committee met in Bukittinggi Sumatra Indonesia Sumatra province decides consists of three sub province of the Sub-Province of North Sumatra, Central Sumatra and South Sumatra.

Sub Central Sumatra province of West Sumatra include residencies, Riau and Jambi. Residency Jambi attractive to enter the Central Sumatra, South Sumatra or reality quite a lot and finally determined by a vote on the Assembly KNI Sumatra and Jambi Residency into the Central Sumatra. Sub-sub-province of Sumatra Province was then with the law number 10 of 1948 established as a province.

With UU.No. 22 years in 1948 on the Principles of Regional Government of Jambi residency at that time consisted of two districts and one Township Jambi. These districts are Merangin District which includes Kewedanaan Muara Tebo, Muaro Bungo, Bangko and Muara kewedanaan Batanghari comprises Tembesi, Jambi outside the city, and Kuala Tungkal. Period continues to run, many community leaders who want to become part of residency Jambi South Sumatra and elsewhere who wish to remain there even want to stand on their own. Moreover than that, the desired re-entered the Residency Kerinci, Jambi, because since the date of June 1, 1922 Kerinci who had been part of the Sultanate of Jambi, West Sumatra incorporated into residency rather be part of the South Coastal District and the Kerinci (PSK)

Demands into the country's prefectural Jambi Provincial Level I raised in the Joint Statement between the Association of Youth Merangin Batanghari (HP.MERBAHARI) with the Youth Front, Jambi (FROPEJA) On April 10, 1954 To the Bung Hatta delivered directly at the Bangko Vice President, who was visiting there. Population Jambi was carrying approximately 500 000 people (not including Kerinci)

Desire is manifested again in the Regional Youth Congress-Jambi 30 April-3 May 1954 with three delegations are sent Rd. Abdullah, AT and H. Hanafiah Said and an adviser to the delegation, Mr Home Minister Prof. Syamsu Bahrun facing. DR.MR Hazairin.

Various determination after it emerged either by a combination of political parties, Marga Governing Council, the Regional Representatives Council Merangin, Batanghari. Peak in the congress of the people of Jambi 14 to 18 June 1955 in Pure cinema container formed the People's struggle Jambi Djambi named Agency People's Congress (BKRD) to strive and fight for the Autonomous Region of Jambi Jambi Provinces.

In-district Youth Congress Jambi on 2-5 January 1957 urged states Residency BKRD Jambi province de facto become the latest date of January 9, 1957.

Plenary BKRD dated January 6, 1957 at 02:00 in Jambi to be formally adopted a residency of First Level Autonomous Region Province who deal directly with the central government and out of the Province of Central Sumatra. Board Bull owner of the Central Sumatra provincial government has taken control of the Governor of the Province of Central Sumatra Ruslan Mulyohardjo on January 9, 1957 approved the decision BKRD.

On February 8, 1957 Chairman of the Board Bull Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Husein inaugurates Resident Djamin gr. Datuk Bagindo as acting governor and H. Hanafi as representatives Djambi Acting Governor of the Province, with a staff of 11 people are killings, Rd. Hasan Amin, M. Adnan Kasim, H.A. Manap, Salim, Syamsu Bahrun, KMS. H. A. Somad. Rd. Suhur, Manan, Imron Umar Abd Nungcik and confirmed by Decree No. 009/KD/U/L Kpts. dated February 8, 1957 and also inaugurated the founding of the province of Jambi in Jambi Resident home page (now Governor of Jambi).

On August 9, 1957 President of the Republic of Ir. Soekarno eventually signed in Denpasar, Bali. No Emergency Law. 19 years in 1957 on the Establishment of the Province of West Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. By Act no. 61 year 1958 dated July 25, 1958 Emergency Law No. 19 Year 1957 on the Establishment of the First Level Region of Sumatra West Sumatra, and Riau Djambi. (Act No. 1957. 75) as the Act.

In Law. 61 of 1958 mentioned in article 1 hurup b, that the regional Level I Swatantra Jambi region covers an area of Level II Batanghari Swatantra area, Merangin, and Municipal Sub-District of Jambi and Kerinci Upper, Middle and Lower.

Continuation Law. 61 December 1958 on December 19, 1958 Home Affairs Minister to appoint and assign Sanoesi Hardjadinata Djamin gr. Datuk Bagindo Resident Dienst Doend DD Jambi as governor (prefect who was assigned as the Governor of Jambi Province by decree No. UP/5/8/4). Acting Governor on December 30, 1958 inaugurated the establishment of Jambi Province on behalf of the Minister of Home Affairs at the National Building Jambi (now building BKOW). Although dejure Jambi gratuity by the Emergency Act and then Act No. 1957. 61 years old in 1958 but with consideration of the history of the origins of its formation by the people of Jambi through BKRD then BKRD Decision dated January 6, 1957 the birthday of Jambi province, as set forth in Rule No. Djambi Province. 1 Year 1970 on June 7, 1970 about the Birthday Jambi Province.


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